Frequently Asked Questions

We offer competitive fees for testing. The fees are dependent on the individual’s presenting difficulties and level of testing/assessment required. Please contact us for further information. Our fees are inclusive of the written report and telephone feedback to the client and below Australian Psychological Society recommended rates. Medicare or private health health rebates may apply.

A good night’s sleep, low stress morning and a nutritious breakfast is all the preparation needed. There is no way to practice for the cognitive/academic tests, as all tasks need to be novel.

We send our report to clients 2-4 weeks after the assessment.

Please note, for ADHD assessments we provide a provisional diagnosis. If there is compelling evidence from our assessment of ADHD symptoms across settings and developmentally we recommend obtaining a GP referral to see a Psychiatrist to rule out medical issues and review for final diagnosis and/or medication management. We can recommend psychiatrists with ADHD expertise. We do not prescribe medication for ADHD as this requires a Psychiatrist/medical specialist consultation.

We provide cognitive/academic testing and personalised feedback regarding your cognitive/executive/memory functioning (e.g., strengths/weaknesses), which a Psychiatrist may not typically include as part of their evaluation. In complex cases (where specific learning difficulties, cognitive delays, or comorbidity may apply) this information will be very informative to aid the psychiatrist's final assessment, and for the client and their family.

A comprehensive ADHD assessment requires a multistep process of excluding other possible causes.  Our assessment results will give you a strong picture of whether ADHD is a likely diagnosis, whilst ruling out other possible explanations (e.g., specific learning difficulties, intellectual disability, mental health issues) and these results are summarised in our Final Report, with recommendations to address your specific referral concerns.

Services not provided:

  • Reports for court, legal, insurance, WorkCover or Centrelink purposes
  • We do not offer assessments for clients with active psychosis or significant substance dependence/abuse (e.g., medical complications)
  • We do not provide diagnostic assessments for autism only a screener to determine if the client is showing signs.
  • We do not assess the impact of traumatic brain injury or a related prognosis. You may wish to seek the opinion of a neuropsychologist for these considerations.
  • We do not provide ongoing emergency or crisis management. In case of a crisis/emergency please call LIFELINE - 131114 or the mental health crisis service 1800 424 017. In an emergency situation, please call 000

Contact us to discuss testing at our Lane Cove office